...futures. In partnership with seed funder Bloomberg Philanthropies, and additional generous support from Principal Foundation and the Wells Fargo Foundation, the CFE Fund is promoting FEC replication through cohorts of...
...economic opportunity for Canadians living in poverty by working with governments, businesses and community groups to develop and promote financial policies, programs and resources. Prosper Canada looks to further integrate...
...by a grant from the US Department of Labor, focuses on improving employment outcomes and promoting the economic advancement of people with disabilities. The CFE Fund’s expertise helps to connect...
...the CFE Coalition Forum in Los Angeles. At the meeting, Coalition members discussed ways that US cities could promote financial inclusion, with a focus on teens and young adults. In...
...and regulatory reforms it seeks to advance. Key policy areas of interest include expanding access to financial products and services; improving financial capability; promoting asset building opportunities; and strengthening and...
...experiential learning, and socio-economic and cultural context setting necessary to serve the diverse needs and backgrounds of FEC clients. The Standards also include a Code of Ethics that promotes responsible,...
...as a debit or prepaid card, and online bill pay. Notable changes in the 2021-2022 Standards include disallowing activation and early closure fees while promoting greater access to out-of-network ATMs....
This issue of the Skyline spotlights efforts in Illinois and Maryland to expand banking access by promoting and incentivizing direct deposits into safe bank and credit union accounts for unemployment...
...to safe and affordable banking accounts into the benefits application processes—the letter highlighted the importance of leveraging government payment systems to promote safe banking access. Read the full letter here....