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Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 14

The CFE Fund's Supervitamin Quarterly newsletter provides regular updates about our work.

Programmatic Banking Access Integration Best Practices

Bank On Coalition Playbook chapter on the best practices for banking access integrations

Residents Reduce $100M in Debt Through FEC Counseling

Municipal Financial Empowerment Centers in 6 cities helped residents reduce debt; program is expanding to up to 50 local governments

Benefits of Bank On National Account Standard Certification: Handout

Bank On Coalition Playbook resource that highlights the benefits of offering Bank On certified accounts

Citi Foundation Supports Summer Jobs Connect with $5 Million

Press Release announcing the 5th year of the Summer Jobs Connect Initiative supported by the Citi Foundation

CFE Fund Comment Letters to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The CFE Fund submitted 12 Comment Letters to the CFPB about the need for meaningful consumer protection.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 13

The CFE Fund's Supervitamin Quarterly newsletter provides regular updates about our work.

Launching or Relaunching a Bank On Coalition

Bank On Coalition Playbook chapter with guidelines for launching or relaunching a coalition

Wells Fargo and CFE Fund Expand Access to Free Financial Counseling

This March 2018 press release announces a $1 million investment from Wells Fargo in the CFE Fund’s replication of its proven Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) model in 12 cities under the FEC Public platform.

New Research: What Counts as Saving in Financial Counseling Approaches and Outcomes

Presentation of new research on savings at Financial Empowerment Centers