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CFE Fund Comment Letter on Evidence-Based Policy

The CFE Fund submitted a Comment Letter to the US Bureau of the Census Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking. The letter focused on strategies to increase the availability and use of government data to build evidence for programs and policies, while protecting privacy and confidentiality—drawing from the CFE Fund’s experience working with local governments across the country.

CFE Coalition CFPB Comment Letter on Payday Loans

The 15-member CFE Coalition has weighed in on key federal policy issues since its founding in 2008. In this 2016 letter, the Coalition highlights how programmatic experience has shown members the devastating impacts that predatory lending can have on residents.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 8

This issue, Issue 8, provides an update on the Next Generation Municipal Financial Empowerment awards; a brief on financial empowerment’s role in positive youth development from our Summer Jobs Connect initiative; and an announcement of a Request for Expressions of Interest for organizations to serve as a long-term partner to evaluate financial institution products for Bank On National Account Standards consistency.

The Financial Empowerment Center Movement

The CFE Fund’s Financial Empowerment Center initiative provides professional, one-on-one, municipally-led free financial counseling in cities across the country. In this video, FEC counselors talk about core tenets of the model and the importance of municipal financial counseling in their city.

CFE Coalition 2016 Policy Agenda: Policy Priorities and Recommended Agenda Items

The 15-member CFE Coalition has weighed in on key federal policy issues since its founding in 2008. In 2016, the CFE Coalition released its 2016 Policy Agenda, outlining the legislative and regulatory reforms it seeks to advance.

Professionalizing Field of Financial Counseling and Coaching Journal

This interactive journal is a compilation of expert perspectives on professionalizing financial counseling, organized around the pillars of any professionalizing field—quality, consistency, accountability and community.

Summer Jobs Connect: Connecting Youth to Developmental and Financial Goals

The Summer Jobs Connect (SJC) initiative, generously supported by Citi Foundation, leverages the scale and infrastructure of Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEPs) to offer banking access and other financial empowerment opportunities, helping to transform a summer job into an on-ramp to the financial mainstream.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 7

This issue, Issue 7, provides a number of Bank On updates, including the launch of the Bank On National Account Standards, the announcement of the Bank On Capacity Grant Fund, and updates on critical support from Bank On partners, both regulators and financial institution.

Summer Jobs Connect: Building Sustainable Banking and Savings Programs in Summer Youth Employment

The Summer Jobs Connect (SJC) initiative, generously supported by Citi Foundation, leverages the scale and infrastructure of Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEPs) to offer banking access and other financial empowerment opportunities, helping to transform a summer job into an on-ramp to the financial mainstream.

Summer Jobs Connect Youth Account Priorities

These programmatic Youth Account Priorities outline features that Summer Jobs Connect city partners prioritized in transactional accounts for participants.