Working closely with our Bank On National Advisory Board and other key stakeholders, the CFE Fund released the Bank On National Account Standards. These standards provide local programs with a...
...GA; Aurora, IL; Baltimore, MD; the County of Hawai’i, HI; Erie, PA; Polk County, IA; Roanoke, VA; Rochester, NY; and Washington, DC) will work to launch free, professional one-on-one financial...
...the FEC Public platform. These funds will enable the CFE Fund and its municipal partners to reach more residents with high-quality, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service. Since...
...with the CFE Fund to launch free, high-quality one-on-one financial counseling for low-income residents, thanks to generous support from Bloomberg Philanthropies as part of its American Cities Initiative. To learn...
In this March 2021 press release, the CFE Fund, with support from seed funder Bloomberg Philanthropies, as well as Capital One, the Citi Foundation, The JPB Foundation, JPMorgan Chase &...
...the Wells Fargo Foundation, the CFE Fund is promoting FEC replication through cohorts of local leaders who are developing, launching, and implementing financial counseling as a free public service, along...
...anonymized dataset at the zip code level is available for download here. Want to play with the data yourself? A newly published Bank On Coalition Playbook Chapter,2017 Bank On Data... at the city and zip code level. In 2017, the CFE Fund partnered with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRBSTL) to collect centralized metrics through a national...
...experiential learning, and socio-economic and cultural context setting necessary to serve the diverse needs and backgrounds of FEC clients. The Standards also include a Code of Ethics that promotes responsible,...
In this April 2024 press release, the CFE Fund announced that a third cohort of five cities have been selected to join the CityStart initiative. The initiative helps local leaders...