...Sacramento, CA) will connect their Financial Empowerment Center initiatives, which offer professional, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service, to local business support services. Read the full press release....
...Akron, OH; Lansing, MI; Pittsburgh, PA; Polk County, IA; and Rochester, NY will connect their Financial Empowerment Center initiatives, which offer professional financial counseling as a free public service, to...
...Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). In addition, EITC-eligible filers can access free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) from trained professionals. This brief details why city leaders are investing in tax...
...initiative provides high-quality, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service. Learn more about the CFE Fund’s work to expand this model in 50 cities under its FEC Public platform....
...Antonio, TX). Financial Empowerment Centers (FECs) offer professional, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service. The evaluation draws on data from 22,000 clients who participated in 57,000 counseling sessions...
...Centers (FECs) offer professional, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service. The evaluation draws on data from 22,000 clients who participated in 57,000 counseling sessions across these first 5...
The CFE Fund’s Financial Empowerment Center initiative provides professional, one-on-one, municipally-led free financial counseling in cities across the country. In this video, FEC counselors talk about core tenets of the...
This January 2017 press release announces a suite of new Bank On resources: Bank On National Account Standards, updated for 2017-2018; a free online Bank On account validation and certification...
...and opportunities to partner with local Bank On coalitions in their footprint and other national Bank On stakeholders. Account verification is free — please apply online here. Read Frequently Asked...
...allowable bill pay functionality: standard-meeting transaction accounts must either offer internal bill pay or instead provide consumers access to at least four free money orders or bank checks per month....