Tax Time: The Right Moment for Savings

Piloted at select free tax preparation sites in four cities, SaveUSA is a simple tax time matched savings program — tax filers who deposited part of their refund into a designated account, and maintained the deposit for a year, received a 50% savings match up to $500.

This infographic illustrates key findings from a rigorous randomized control trial of SaveUSA—and shows that SaveUSA works.

The Five Key Financial Empowerment Touchpoints for Summer Youth Employment Program Integration

The Summer Jobs Connect (SJC) initiative, generously supported by Citi Foundation, leverages the scale and infrastructure of Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEPs) to offer banking access and other financial empowerment opportunities, helping to transform a summer job into an on-ramp to the financial mainstream.

This infographic illustrates the key programmatic touchpoints—application, enrollment, orientation, payroll, and ongoing training—that SJC partners used to integrate financial empowerment strategies into their SYEPs.