...Security Numbers when opening a bank or credit union account. Drawing from our Bank On experience, our letter highlighted the barriers faced by consumers from marginalized communities from the current...
...moderate-income customers rely on full service bank branches, and highlights that cost and range of services, information about account availability, public awareness and customer support are all critical factors. The...
...counseling as a free public service for residents in need. The CFE Fund, with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, Wells Fargo, The JPB Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, and Capital One, is working...
...Antonio, TX). Financial Empowerment Centers (FECs) offer professional, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service. The evaluation draws on data from 22,000 clients who participated in 57,000 counseling sessions...
...Centers (FECs) offer professional, one-on-one financial counseling as a free public service. The evaluation draws on data from 22,000 clients who participated in 57,000 counseling sessions across these first 5...
...to revise its regulations implementing the Military Lending Act (MLA) to ensure that service members and their families are protected from the full range of abusive lending practices that trap...
...safe and affordable banking services, building savings, and referrals to other services and organizations. Professionally trained counselors support their clients in navigating complex financial challenges and choices, helping them identify...
...financial issues and making referrals to other social services and resources. With support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Citi Foundation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and the Wells Fargo Foundation, the CFE...
...phone-based financial triage and resource referrals; 35 municipal Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) partners are offering, or are working to launch, one-on-one financial counseling through FEC programs; and more than 80...