Financial Empowerment Center Evaluation Webinars


An Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Centers: Building People’s Financial Stability As a Public Service
This webinar highlights key findings and lessons learned from the three-year evaluation that draws on data from 22,000 clients who participated in 57,000 counseling sessions across 5 cities. Findings include best practices for program integration and sustainability, factors affecting the likelihood of achieving outcomes, and more.

Watch the webinar here. View the presentation here.

Webinar Series: 15 Minutes of FEC

15 Minutes of FEC: Partnerships and Integrations
This webinar highlights evaluation findings on how the FEC model’s partnership and integration process worked in the five replication cities, as well as strategies used for client retention.

Watch the webinar here. View the presentation here. Read a brief on partnerships and integrations in the FEC model.

15 Minutes of FEC: Client Achievement
This webinar provides a snapshot of FEC clients and the counseling outcomes they achieved. It also highlights factors that made clients more or less likely to achieve outcomes, ranging from banking status to types of debt clients held.

Watch the webinar here. View the presentation here. Read a brief on FEC clients and what they achieved.

15 Minutes of FEC: Banking Status
Banking status mattered for FEC clients’ success. This webinar describes unbanked clients and what they achieved during counseling, banking outcomes for all FEC clients, and why products matter for programs seeking to improve banking access.

Watch the webinar here. View the presentation here. Read a brief on banking status and FEC clients.

15 Minutes of FEC: The Counseling Model
At the core of the FEC model is the relationship between the counselor and the client, which is critical to client engagement and outcome achievement. This webinar provides an overview of the FEC model’s counselor training requirements and approach, the counseling process, as well as how the relationship between FEC counselors and clients reinforced success.

Watch the webinar here. View the presentation here. Read a brief on the FEC financial counseling model.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 10

This issue, Issue 10, includes updates on the Bank On initiative; a sneak peek of findings from the upcoming Financial Empowerment Center evaluation; and updates on the Summer Jobs Connect initiative. It also includes an update on the CFE Fund’s Consumer Financial Protection initiative, and a guest column from JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank On’s seed supporter.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 9

This issue, Issue 9, includes updates on the Financial Empowerment Center initiative; an overview of the recent Summer Jobs Connect gathering in Chicago; and news and resources from the Bank On initiative. It also includes an update on the Next Generation Municipal Financial Empowerment Awards, including a Guest Column from our partner in New Haven; a new section that highlights news and updates from the CFE Coalition; and CFE Fund updates on our Board and new website.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 8

This issue, Issue 8, provides an update on the Next Generation Municipal Financial Empowerment awards; a brief on financial empowerment’s role in positive youth development from our Summer Jobs Connect initiative; and an announcement of a Request for Expressions of Interest for organizations to serve as a long-term partner to evaluate financial institution products for Bank On National Account Standards consistency. The issue also includes an update on the CFE Fund’s technical assistance work, the CFE Coalition’s 2016 Policy Agenda; and a guest column from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing Counseling, Sarah Gerecke.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 7

This issue, Issue 7, provides a number of Bank On updates, including the launch of the Bank On National Account Standards, the announcement of the Bank On Capacity Grant Fund, and updates on critical support from Bank On partners, both regulators and financial institution. The issue also includes a new report, jointly authored by the CFE Fund and the National Consumer Law Center, on the effect of account screening consumer reporting agencies on banking access; a series of briefs from the Summer Jobs Connect initiative; an update on the work of the Next Generation Municipal Financial Empowerment awards; and evaluation findings and resources related to SaveUSA, a tax-time matched savings program. Finally, the issue includes a guest column from Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Martin Gruenberg on Bank On and the importance of access to banking efforts.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 6

This issue, Issue 6, announces the city recipients of In-Kind Technical Assistance grants to launch and replicate the Financial Empowerment Center initiative; provides updates on the four new pilot programs supported by the Bank On Innovation Fund; highlights the expansion of Summer Jobs Connect and the release of a report highlighting key lessons learned from the initiative’s first year; includes a call for essays on the professionalizing field of financial counseling and coaching; and features a Federal Reserve guest columnist on their new Community Credit initiative.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 5

This issue, Issue 5, recaps the Bank On 2.0 National Conference and announces the Bank On 2.0 Innovation Fund; highlights the Next Generation Municipal Financial Empowerment Award grant opportunity for new mayors looking to establish financial empowerment initiatives; reviews Financial Empowerment Center initiative progress; and includes a third In-Kind Technical Assistance grant opportunity for cities interested in replicating the Financial Empowerment Center model.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 3

This issue, Issue 3, announces the launch of Summer Jobs Connect, which embeds targeted financial education and banking access into summer youth employment programs; details the Partnerships for Financial Inclusion Conference that the CFE Fund co-hosted with the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Social Protection Network; and features a guest post on how local financial empowerment efforts in Lansing resulted in further financial empowerment investment throughout Michigan.

Supervitamin Quarterly, Issue 2

The CFE Fund’s Supervitamin Quarterly newsletter provides regular updates about our work.

This issue, Issue 2, provides an update on the first round of In-Kind Technical Assistance Grants to support Financial Empowerment Center replication, highlights a Bank On launch event in Louisville, and gives an overview of Financial Empowerment Center client accomplishments to date.